Helen Selirand

I’m Helen Selirand

Strategic / Service Designer

I am led by empathy, intuition and research. Digging as deep as necessary, I seek to connect ideas and insights to create a tangible output for research through service, process or product.

I am fascinated by the wide variety of team dynamics, motivating me to persistently improve processes and ways of facilitating communication between people.

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 A selection of my work


Societally invisible loss: Designing for inclusiveness and individual experience in stillbirth

Master Thesis (MSc Design and Technology Futures)

A digital pro-active public service platform offering individual inclusive support in the event of stillbirth.

The concept gathers the digital pro-active opportunities in healthcare and social welfare offered by the state to enable individual and inclusive support for the families in the event of stillbirth, bringing together state systems, non-profit organisations, the community, and small acts of kindness offered by volunteers and companies alike.



Designing a university library to meet the new ways of studying

STEM is a shift in the role of a library that puts focus on enabling the creation of new knowledge by supporting the new ways of working and acquiring information that students and faculty have adopted.


Putting the patient in focus at PERH Day Surgery Centre

PERH (The North Estonia Medical Centre) is one of the top healthcare providers in Estonia.

The service design project for PERH Day Surgery was set in motion with the aim to reduce the conflicts in expectations of various actors. As part of a larger international collaboration project, it is the first larger service design initiative in an Estonian regional hospital.


Increasing sales engagement through designing for visitors at Estonia’s largest interior fair

Tallinn Interior fair is the main interior design event in Estonia. According to the Interjöör 2018 statistics, 18 700 people visited the fair in three days.

4ROOM Interior required a booth design. The process begun with reviewing the previous year’s experience and gaining understanding of the expectations of both — the exhibiting brands and the visitors.

The completed design captured the audience’s attention and the booth received the aspired high levels of active engagement.


Humane schedule management for reducing human error in long-term space missions

Living for up to a year on the Moon without seeing the outside world or your loved ones, constantly surrounded by colleagues who are also the only people in the radius of 400 000km, is truly daunting.

Circa Dia is a schedule management system meant for use on a lunar base that takes into account individual circadian rhythm, enhancing the performance of the astronauts and lowering risk of human error while raising the autonomy of the astronauts on their long-duration missions.


Product catalogue that communicates the soul of the 4ROOM brand

4ROOM is the largest lighting manufacturer in Estonia, whose key sales tool is their product catalogue. I was tasked with updating its design, which I took as an opportunity to gain understanding of how people actually use it.

Observing clients and also employees interact with the catalogue lead to valuable findings that kick-started the design of the new catalogue.


Looking ahead with trend forecasting at Oltmans van Niekerk

Oltmans van Niekerk is a global research and innovation agency. OvN studies, interprets and presents the political, economic, social and technological developments which influence people and their values, their environments, new products, and the way businesses work.

Twice a year OvN publishes a trend book summarising the findings.
At Oltmans van Niekerk I started to understand the immense power research holds — foretelling the future relies on research and adept synthesis of it.


Taking the successful offline customer experience online

In 4ROOM physical stores, the sales representatives approach each client individually and guide them in navigating the various options of the product portfolio. Through a few inquiries about the space, the sales staff gets an adequate understanding of the client’s needs and is then able to assist in finding the best fitting luminaire fitting the requirements of the client.

This experience is not currently implemented on the website, so I took the opportunity to figure out how it could.


Helen Selirand

Before deciding what to do, it’s crucial to understand why to do it.
I’ve been always super stubborn about it.

Through applying this in my work, I’ve come to realise that this isn’t actually common sense to all. The complexity of the projects I deal with has constantly risen and I’m excited about the challenges they bring.

In 2020, I graduated MSc Design and Technology Futures (joint program between the Estonian Academy of Arts and Tallinn University of Technology) cum laude.

Currently applying myself in service- and strategic design at Trinidad Wiseman.
